Vanessa Feltz, 62, took to Instagram to share a video from her hospital bed after being rushed in for surgery after suffering from an agonising kidney stone. Get the latest entertainment news sent straight to your inbox with our weekly Showbiz newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest entertainment news sent straight to your inbox with our weekly Showbiz newsletter We have more newsletters TV and radio star Vanessa Feltz was hurriedly taken for surgery due to excruciating pain she described as "worse than childbirth". The 62-year-old mother of two offered an update to her followers from her hospital bed on Monday, conveying how she was caught off guard by a debilitating kidney stone.

While sharing her ordeal on Instagram from the confines of her hospital room, Vanessa revealed: "Good morning from hospital, bit of a surprise, yesterday I was absolutely fine, completely fine and I had the [grandchildren] over for lunch and I was completely fine." She detailed that the sudden onset of pain was unlike anything she'd experienced before: "There was nothing wrong with me at all and then suddenly I got this pain and it was just absolutely extraordinary I've never had anything like it and I've given birth to two children naturally and never had any pain like that in my life." The broadcaster, who recently stepped in for Storm Huntley on the Jeremy Vine programme, confessed that despite generally being robust regarding her health, the intensity of the pain on Monday led her to.