The thing about life going well is that change is inevitable, which often presents life experiences that we wish we didn’t have. This is one of those moments in time. Often, when living in such a beautiful and friendly community, we begin to feel immune to the challenges that occur in other parts of the state and nation.

Our closeness is one of the things that helps to keep us safe because we tend to look out for one another. The challenge comes when outside forces attempt to infiltrate our “Happy Valley” and create havoc across the community with implied threats, especially when aimed at our children. In the past two weeks, we have been exposed to what appears to be foreign threats that have come from social media and other online contact sources through out-of-country virtual private networks.

The target has been our schools, which creates tremendous stress and anxiety among our parents and makes our children feel scared and vulnerable. While threats of this nature are designed to terrorize communities, most are thankfully more talk than action. It generates fear and uncertainty, which is the objective of these nefarious actors.

Oftentimes, they come in waves, especially if they receive the response they seek. So, while we hope that we don’t see any more threats, we also recognize that there is a possibility of more to come. With that in mind, we want to assure our community that we take every threat seriously, and will pursue all leads in conjunction with multiple .