Thursday, August 29, 2024 The recent decision by the Valencian government to abolish the tourist tax, a move celebrated on November 10, 2024, by the coalition of PP and Vox, is poised to offer significant benefits to travelers visiting Valencia and the broader Valencian Community. This change marks a departure from the policy set by the previous government under the Botanical Pact, which had introduced the tourist tax with a moratorium suspending its implementation until this year. The repeal of the tax is expected to have far-reaching implications for both domestic and international tourists, potentially enhancing their travel experience while also influencing the broader travel industry.

One of the most immediate and tangible benefits of abolishing the tourist tax is the cost savings for travelers. Under the repealed law, visitors to Valencia would have been required to pay a daily tax ranging from 0.5 euros for guesthouses to 1.

5 euros for four- and five-star hotels. For a family or group staying in Valencia for several days, these charges could have added up, increasing the overall cost of their trip. With the removal of this tax, travelers will find their stay in Valencia more affordable, potentially freeing up funds for other experiences, such as dining, shopping, or cultural activities.

The savings from the abolished tax could also make Valencia a more attractive destination for budget-conscious travelers, particularly those from regions where travel costs are a major .