Open Access News Cancer Research News Vaccine-preventable cancers through cooperation August 16, 2024 Image: © koto_feja | iStock Milena Angelova, EESC member and Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on Vaccine-preventable cancers, highlights the vital role of civil society in eradicating them With cancer set to become Europe’s leading disease burden, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) believes that the case for concerted cooperation between countries and all-level stakeholders has never been stronger. Over the past two decades, there has been an improvement in the care for those affected by cancer. Despite an increase in cancer diagnoses, the risk of mortality has decreased due to advancements in medical treatment.

In Europe, the number of individuals diagnosed with cancer has risen by approximately 50% over the last 20 years. However, the number of deaths has only increased by 20%, according to 2019 data. As about 40% of cancer cases are deemed preventable, vaccination has a vital role to play, together with healthy lifestyles and compliance with occupational health and safety rules and environmental protection measures, all of which contribute to the prevention of many types of cancer throughout life.

The European Commission recently proposed a Council Recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers as a follow-up initiative to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (the Cancer Plan), a central pillar of the European Health Union. The EESC welcomes the Commission’s co.