Worst Career Achievement recipient Uwe Boll, known for the terrible Alone In The Dark film adaptation, says he should’ve directed the Borderlands movie, as he gets into it with fans on social media . Although there’s still plenty of excitement about the imminent release of Borderlands 4 , the release of the movie adaptation of Borderlands has done potentially untold damage to the franchise’s reputation. The film did not go down well at all with either critics or fans, and has been branded an ‘epic fail’ , while suffering a 9% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Now Uwe Boll, known for directing the Alone In The Dark video game-to-movie adaptation, which has a score of 1% on Rotten Tomatoes, has made it clear he thinks the whole situation is hilarious. ‘Ha ha. My movies were rated R and made more money than this.

Now you wish I directed,’ Boll says on Twitter. In his tweet, Boll is referring to an infographic that says the Borderlands movie made $8.8 million domestically in its opening weekend, compared to its $115 million production budget.

Alone In The Dark only made $10.4 million in total though, so Boll isn’t being honest when he says his films made more. He might be alluding to profit but that’s not clear and in any case Alone In The Dark had a $20 million budget.

Things get even weirder in the comment section, where one poster turns the spotlight on Boll and his own underperforming movies. Ha ha. My movies were rated R and made more money than this.

Now you wish.