Careless drivers continue to use phones despite hands-free options. Photo: Getty I swore at the start of the year that I would not mention phoning-at-the-wheel until autumn. Technically, we are in autumn, so I’ve kept my word.

I’ve been tempted, I can tell you. Sorely tempted. All I can say is, despite warnings and clampdowns, we seem to have an atrocious outlook on the matter.

People just don’t seem to think or be aware or care; they just hold that phone to the ear while steering with one hand. They do so when parking, reversing and driving in dense traffic, with children on board. I honestly don’t know how they do it and why they do it so brazenly.

And there really is no excuse. None whatsoever. Most cars have a hands-free facility – albeit basic in older vehicles.

Really, the right thing to do is put the phone away. The problem is that there seems to be no reaching these people. So I give up.

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