Monday, September 23, 2024 TEAMS ’24, presented by SportsTravel and hosted by Visit Anaheim, will take place from September 23-26 in Anaheim. Since its launch in 1998, TEAMS has attracted over 1,000 attendees, including CEOs, executive directors, and event managers from sports organizations, along with representatives from sports commissions, convention bureaus, corporate sponsors, event suppliers, and influential leaders in the hospitality industry. In its 25th year, TEAMS continues to set the standard for the sports-event and appointment-based trade show industries.

TEAMS (Travel, Events, and Management in Sports) is the world’s foremost conference and expo dedicated to the sports-event industry. Hosted by SportsTravel magazine, TEAMS ’24 is set to take place from September 23-26 in Anaheim. Since its inception in 1998, the event has become a pivotal gathering, drawing over 1,000 participants, including top executives, event managers, and leaders from sports organizations, sports commissions, convention bureaus, corporate sponsors, event suppliers, and key figures in the hospitality sector.

Celebrating 25 years of excellence, TEAMS has been instrumental in shaping the sports-event landscape and establishing standards for appointment-based trade shows. Each year, sports-related travel contributes to 90 million room nights and generates an impressive $32 billion in direct spending, making it one of the most robust sectors within the travel industry. Event organizers in .