JAMAICA’S commitment to progress was reflected in the recent revision of the United States Department of State’s travel advisory. This adjustment, while nuanced, provides reassurance to prospective visitors about their safety and the quality of their experience when they choose Jamaica. Public and private sector stakeholders in Jamaica have worked diligently to bring a more balanced narrative to the language describing the island to its visitors, 42 per cent of whom are returning guests — the highest rate of any island in the Caribbean.

The facts tell a consistent story, that visitors have consistently been safe and comfortable with their decision to come back to Jamaica. The latest State Department update, issued July 25, 2024, acknowledges that “tourist areas generally see lower rates of violent crime than other parts of the island” and removes disparaging comments such as, “Local police often do not respond effectively to serious criminal incidents”. Jamaican officials, including the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of National Security, presented compelling data demonstrating the remarkably low crime rate against visitors, which stands at less than 0.

01 per cent. Furthermore, they showcased significant reductions in the overall rate of serious crimes: Jamaica recorded a seven per cent reduction in 2023 to reach its lowest overall crime rate in 23 years. Through continued diligence in 2024, the country has realised a further 14.

9 per cent year-to-date dec.