Results reveal that most Americans appreciate and desire advanced digital technology within the healthcare sector. In contrast, healthcare professionals are less certain, expressing concern about sluggish software performance and outdated technology. ANNAPOLIS, Md.

, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- RXNT , a Maryland -based healthcare technology company building ambulatory clinical and practice management software, today released the results of its comprehensive survey examining patient satisfaction and healthcare professional productivity in 2024. The survey, which included 700 nationally representative US general consumers and over 300 US healthcare professionals (HCPs), highlights critical opportunities for improvement within the healthcare industry.

The results below represent a snippet of the valuable insights contained in the complete report . A Better Patient Experience Demands Advanced Technology The data suggests that most consumers in the United States would prefer that the healthcare sector catch up with other industries by incorporating more technology, emphasizing the need for better provider communication and convenient mobile applications. Security Concerns and Slow Performance Fuel Frustrations Among HCPs While patients agree that tech advancements are essential to a better experience that will help maintain loyalty, healthcare professionals are feeling the pressure of time constraints that leave little room for adding better digital tools.

HCPs surveyed within .