US ambassador to Bucharest, Kathleen Kavalec, and her husband recently embarked on a unique experience in Romania: a three-day hike on a section of the long-distance trail Via Transilvanica in rural Transylvania. The couple's journey started in Stejărenii (near Sighișoara) and continued through Criș, Malâncrav, Nou Săsesc, Copșa Mare, Biertan, Richiș, and Nemșa. "Together, they enjoyed discovering places they might never have discovered if the trail hadn't led them there," the US Embassy in Bucharest said in a post on social media.

The ambassador and her husband used the "uniquely carved milestone markers" to track their progress along the way. They stayed in traditional guesthouses and enjoyed the local cuisine, and visited several cultural and historical sites, such as Bethlen Castle in Criș and several fortified Saxon churches, including Biertan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The couple also got to see local wildlife, including a bear that "luckily kept its distance.

" During their trip, ambassador Kavalec and her husband met locals and experts who shared information about their villages and the places' history. They learned, for example, about the influence of Stephan Ludwig Roth, a 19th-century visionary who worked to bring Romanians, Saxons, Hungarians, and Roma together. "I'm happy to see that Via Transilvanica is attracting more and more attention, both in the country and abroad," Kathleen Kavalec said.

"Congratulations to the visionaries and voluntee.