Summary Slow Atlantic hurricane season may be changing with notable weather disturbances in the Caribbean. Texas and Louisiana forecasted for significant rainfall as tropical storm develops into hurricane. Air Force Reserve hurricane hunters sent to investigate the brewing storm for critical data.

The Atlantic hurricane season appears to have been off to a slow start this year, with an unusually quiet August and early September (the hurricane season runs until November 30th and peaks on Tuesday). Previously, experts had expected one of the busiest Atlantic hurricane seasons on record. However, there are now some notable weather disturbances in the Caribbean.

The Air Force is sending its "hurricane hunters" to investigate powerful tropical storms brewing in the Caribbean and Atlantic. Tropical storm brewing for Texas Forecasts predict significant rainfall for parts of Texas and Louisiana this week as the system in the Caribbean drifts northwestward over the next couple of days. The brewing storm is expected to develop into a tropical storm and possibly a hurricane.

Donald Jones, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, stated , “We’ve seen it before, where we have these rapid spin-up hurricanes in just a couple of days or even less. So that is not out of the realm of possibility here .” The Voice of America reported that Jones also said that an Air Force Reserve hurricane hunter aircraft was scheduled to investigate the tropical disturbance later on Sunday and .