We review the United States Air Force (USAF) ranks from the lowest enlisted to the highest. Recently, Simple Flying covered the USAF officer ranks Explore the US Air Force officer ranks, responsibilities, and promotion timelines from Second Lieutenant to General. Airman Basic: Male and Female Enlistees E-1, the lowest rank in the USAF Airman Basic refers to both male and female enlistees in basic training and apprenticeship who transition from civilian to airman.

Air Force members can also be demoted to this rank as a punishment for faults committed while in United States Air Force service. Airman Basic wears no rank insignia. According to FederalPay.

org, the pay rate for this rank is $2,017 per month. Airman, for the second from lowest rank E-2, a step above Airman Basic Again, regardless of gender, the E-2 rank in the USAF is classified as an Airman. It applies to enlistees who have completed basic training and in specialty training – whether that be, for instance, military police or mechanics or similar functions.

Airman First Class: the third from lowest rank E-3, expected to be Air Force ready An Airman First Class is in their first year or so of Air Force service. Airmen First Class are expected to comply with USAF standards, master their job, and start to acquire leadership skills. Senior Airman: the fourth from lowest rank E-4, expected to be proficient in leadership and technical abilities A senior airman has to demonstrate proficiency in leadership and technical a.