Bollywood actress Urmila Matondkar has taken to social media to bid an emotional farewell to 2024, reflecting on the year with gratitude and grace. The actress, known for her roles in films like ‘Rangeela’ and ‘Ek Hasina Thi’, shared a heartfelt post on Instagram, marking the close of the year with stunning photos and a message of appreciation. Advertisement Advertisement A post shared by Urmila Matondkar (@urmilamatondkarofficial) In her post, Urmila expressed her thankfulness for all the experiences, challenges, and memories the year 2024 had brought her way.

“Goodbye 2024...

what a ride you have been!! I’m only grateful for everything that you brought with you. I accept, with all humility, everything you gave me with a smile and move forward,” she wrote. Adding a playful twist to her post, Urmila teased her followers by asking them to guess her current location.

“By the way, can you all guess where I am? Let me know your guess!!” she wrote. The actress also took a moment to thank her supporters, acknowledging their constant love and affection. “I thank all of you for your love and affection with all my heart,” she shared.

In the accompanying photos, Urmila looks effortlessly chic in a stylish white ensemble, complete with white high boots. She strikes various poses for the camera, exuding confidence and elegance. Earlier in the year, she had made a bold fashion statement in a striking red outfit.

While 2024 has been a year of reflection for Urmila, it.