After retiring from government service, Sunitha was active in friendship groups but slowly started to withdraw from it all. At first, her friends and family did not pay much attention to it, but when she did not even attend the wedding of her close relatives, the family started observing her behavioural change. There were no major problems in the family consisting of her husband, son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Sunitha was financially secure and also received a good amount of money as a pension every month. Her daughter-in-law brought her to me for a check-up after Sunitha started showing reluctance to go on long journeys. Initially hesitant, Sunitha eventually confided in me, saying, “I’ve been experiencing urinary problems recently.

I have had sudden urine leakage, which is why I have not participated in any public events lately. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I suddenly leaked urine somewhere?” Sunitha’s face was filled with doubt and worry until I reassured her that this issue is a common abnormality in old age. Indeed, many people like Sunitha may be secretly suffering from urinary incontinence.

As we age, our bodies naturally change. Many people are concerned about body fatigue and changes in the digestive system that come with ageing. Minor changes in faeces and urine may not be noticeable initially, but by the time they are recognized, the condition may have worsened.

People are often reluctant to discuss their ailments, but urinary incontinence is a.