A HEALTH warning has been issued before kids go back to school next week, and boys could be most at risk. Parents have been warned children with asthma could be four times more likely to be hospitalised with life-threatening asthma attacks. Official figures have shown a 348 per cent rise in the number of 5-14 year olds admitted to hospital with an asthma attack in September, when most children return to school, compared to August.

The biggest increase is among five to nine year olds, with a 370 per cent rise in the number of hospital admissions in September compared to the previous month. Among 10-14 year olds, the increase is 307 per cent. The figures also revealed a disparity between the number of boys affected compared to girls in the 5-14 year age group, with 825 boys hospitalised in September and 538 girls, a difference of 53 per cent.

The warning comes from Asthma + Lung UK, who said the increased risk is due to the “perfect storm” of factors that occurs when children go back to school. READ MORE ON KID'S HEALTH Some children fall out of the routine of taking their preventer medicines every day as prescribed during the summer holidays , leading to their asthma being poorly controlled when they go back to school. Exposure to asthma triggers, such as colds and flu viruses, dust mites, pollen, and strong emotions (like fear and excitement) can also trigger potentially life-threatening asthma attacks or worsen symptoms.

To help, Asthma + Lung UK is urging parents to loo.