EXCLUSIVE Up, up and hooray! MailOnline goes for a flying lesson - here's how we get on...

(and the startling things we discover about flying tiny aircraft) Ted Thornhill has a flying lesson with the Turweston Flying Club It's based at Turweston Aerodrome in Northamptonshire He flies a tiny aircraft that can 'hit over 100mph if you put your foot down' READ MORE: How hard is it to fly a plane after an engine failure? By Ted Thornhill, Mailonline Travel Editor Published: 07:56, 28 July 2024 | Updated: 07:59, 28 July 2024 e-mail View comments ‘Where do you want to go?’ asks the pilot as we walk to the plane. ‘Oh, erm..

. could we go to Oxford and back?’ I ask. ‘Yeah, no problem,’ comes the reply.

This is no ordinary flight. For starters, it seems I get to decide where we’re flying to. But also - because I’ll be at the controls.

Despite never having flown a plane before. There’s no cause for alarm at the Civil Aviation Authority, though - I’m having my first-ever flying lesson and my pilot instructor, James, will be doing the tricky bits. Like the landing.

And the take off. The venue for the lesson is Turweston Aerodrome in Northamptonshire – just south of Silverstone Circuit - with James one of the flight instructors from the Turweston Flying Club. Ted Thornhill has a flying lesson with the Turweston Flying Club, which is based at Turweston Aerodrome in Northamptonshire Ted flies the plane for a large part of the one-hour lesson It follows a lesson I had in .