Uorfi Javed, known for her social media presence and unapologetic personality, made headlines recently when she walked off the set of Samay Raina’s ‘India’s Got Latent’ after an abusive comment from a contestant. The incident, which also saw another contestant leaving, created a tense atmosphere on the set, leaving many to question the level of respect and conduct expected on such platforms. Advertisement Uorfi Javed was visibly upset by the remark and chose to leave Samay Raina’s, making a strong statement against mistreatment.

Reports indicate that her departure was not met with any resistance, and shortly after, 24 contestants were reportedly removed from the venue. This heightened the tension, leading to further scrutiny of the show’s environment. Advertisement The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the importance of respect in the entertainment industry, especially on reality shows where emotions often run high.

A post shared by The Statesman (@thestatesmanltd) Uorfi, who rose to fame with her appearances on ‘Bigg Boss OTT’ in 2021, has always been vocal about her beliefs. Known for her unique fashion sense and fearless attitude, she did not hold back in expressing her discontent. Uorfi’s career, which began with roles in popular soap operas like ‘Bade Bhaiyya Ki Dulhania’ and ‘Chandra Nandini’, has seen a significant rise since her participation in ‘Bigg Boss OTT’.

She has since expanded her portfolio, appearing in films like.