Saturday, August 24, 2024 The United Nations World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) is taking a proactive stance in promoting and coordinating investments in the tourism sector throughout Latin America . Recognizing the immense potential of tourism to drive economic growth and community empowerment in the region, UNWTO is expanding its series of Investment Guides and Investment Forums, each focusing on a specific country. These comprehensive guides identify key competitiveness factors to attract investors, emphasizing green and sustainable investments.

UNWTO Executive Director Natalia Bayona highlighted the importance of these investments in driving economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development. Global Tourism Investment Trends Between 2019 and 2023, the tourism sector attracted a significant amount of foreign direct investment (FDI), totaling $106.7 billion.

This investment led to the creation of nearly 260,000 potential jobs worldwide. In Latin America and the Caribbean, 212 tourism investment projects were announced during the same period, with a total capital expenditure of $20.5 billion.

UNWTO Investment Guides: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development The UNWTO Investment Guides offer a wealth of information for potential investors and policymakers. They address a range of topics, including debt-for-nature swaps, green bonds, national climate change adaptation plans, and regenerative tourism. These guides are crucial for informed decision-making, economic devel.