TORONTO , Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Today marks the official release of "The Global Economics of Disability: 2024" report, an in-depth analysis highlighting the immense economic potential of the global disability market. Authored by The Return on Disability Group (RoDG), this comprehensive report offers actionable insights for business leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs to capitalize on a market valued at over $18 trillion in spending power.

With over 1.6 billion people worldwide living with disabilities, the report emphasizes the significance of customer experience (CX) as a key driver for success in the disability market. It repositions disability not as a niche concern but as a major growth opportunity crossing geographic and sector boundaries.

Key Highlights of the Report: The total spending power of people with disabilities (PWD) and their families is estimated to exceed $18 trillion USD . 1.6 billion people, or 22% of the world's population, live with a disability.

Disability spending power is well-developed in regions like North America and Europe , where PWD control over $2.6 trillion in disposable income. Successful businesses are those that focus on designing for functionality and experience, not merely meeting compliance standards.

"The Global Economics of Disability: 2024" urges businesses to move beyond regulatory responses and tap into the consumer experiences of people with disabilities, thus opening new avenues for revenue growth. The report further .