Saturday, September 21, 2024 Explore the Portugal and Greece Golden Visa programs—your gateway to EU residency and a secure future. In an era marked by global uncertainty, high-net-worth individuals are increasingly looking for reliable ways to secure their families’ futures. Among the most sought-after avenues are the Portugal and Greece Golden Visa programs, each offering unique benefits and robust pathways to EU residency—and potentially citizenship.

Portugal’s Golden Visa: A Gateway to Diverse Investments Portugal’s Golden Visa has long been a popular choice among global investors. Interestingly, over the past year, American applicants have surpassed Chinese as the primary seekers of this opportunity. This trend is a response to the volatile political climate in the U.

S., which has investors looking for stability elsewhere. The program offers a direct route to EU residency and potential citizenship, with significant changes recently streamlining its focus.

Notably, the previous options involving real estate and real estate-linked investment funds have been phased out. The current requirement is a minimum investment of €500,000 in approved investment funds. These funds target vital Portuguese industries and come with the perk of being tax-free.

Successful applicants can enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area and a clear path to Portuguese citizenship after five years of residency, requiring minimal physical presence in Portugal. At GV Life, we offer ex.