TEL AVIV, Israel , Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Carbyne ®, a global leader in public safety technology, announced that United Hatzalah, the largest independent fully volunteer emergency medical service organization in Israel has just completed the process of upgrading its infrastructure to APEX, a NextGen 911, cloud-native emergency response solution. Being born in the cloud, the implementation of Carbyne APEX will help strengthen United Hatzalah's emergency response operating systems, designed to make them more robust, reliable, and scalable.

Improved emergency call-taking ultimately enhances the safety and security of the community. As a cloud-based solution, Carbyne APEX automatically updates to provide United Hatzalah with up-to-date technology. Carbyne APEX is an all-in-one platform that offers live video, silent chat, and real-time location and a full suite of AI-powered features providing critical and streamlined data to emergency responders which can allow for better informed decision making and resolution.

Carbyne APEX's AI-based solutions can be used to manage incoming calls from bystanders so telecommunicators can focus on answering emergency calls, for more efficient and effective caller response during peak times. United Hatzalah teams will use the Carbyne APEX platform to enable live video transmission from the caller to receive real-time footage of the incident, improve the accuracy of the caller's location, to correspond with the caller in chat, and more. Th.