SALISBURY — A Salisbury house with a unique style received the approval of the Salisbury Historic Preservation Committee to move forward with an application to name it a local historic landmark after it underwent a large-scale renovation. The house, entitled the Leo Wallace Sr. House, stands at the corner of West Fisher and Fulton streets and is immediately recognizable for its Spanish Revival architectural style.

Owners Sherry and Steve Beck bought the property, which stands in the Salisbury National Register Historic District and the West Square Local Historic District, in 2015 and have been working to restore it since, the Becks said during the meeting on Thursday. Several members of the HPC and public attendees of the meeting spoke their appreciation for the work that the Becks put into the house. “When we were looking for homes in Salisbury that was the house that brought us down here.

When we went and looked at it, we knew that it was way over our heads to even approach. I am absolutely amazed at what the Becks have done with this house and it certainly matches what was originally there,” said Pam Schaffer. Sherry Beck recapped the renovations that were required to restore the house in the past years.

The tiles on the roof and the ceiling itself had rotted, with the prior owners having placed children’s swimming pools in the attic to catch the water that came through when it rained. Three of the four balconies on the house had to be completely reconstructed. Fou.