RAIL travel enthusiasts can travel to a train station some consider to be the world's most beautiful, without even having to fly. Europe is home to some of the grandest architecture on the planet, with its train stations among the buildings people find particularly impressive. One that stands above the others is Liege-Guillemins station in Belgium.

Its vast arcing roofs and imposing glass structures make it an icon of the small Belgian city. Some people even claim it's Liege's most photographed monument, beating even the city's cathedral and churches. In fact, some people even compare it to ecclesiastical buildings, according to See Beautiful Places .

Read More on Train Travel They wrote: "Because of its large windows the station is naturally lit and transparent and called a modern day cathedral. "The glass and steel arched roof extends over the five platforms with a width of 150m (492ft). Its two canopies reaches a height of 40m (131ft).

"It is the most photographed monument in Liège." As well as standing out from below, the station also leaves an impression, with those flying overhead able to see the colourful rectangles on its fooftop. Most read in City breaks Focus on Belgium even went so far as to label it a "station turned into living art" and spoke about the way its appearance changes throughout the year.

They wrote: "Even the seasons can change the way the now tinted light falls on the passengers, trains, and structures inside the already impressive building, which .