Cancer is more than just a diagnosis. It’s a turning point that reshapes lives. With millions affected worldwide, the impact of cancer extends beyond the physical toll.

It impacts every aspect of life. Understanding this complex disease, its types, symptoms, and treatment options will allow you to face it with knowledge and resilience. Read on to learn about this deadly disease in detail.

Cancer is a disease that begins at the cellular level when normal cells in the body undergo abnormal changes, causing them to multiply uncontrollably. Unlike healthy cells, which follow specific genetic instructions to grow, divide, and die at appropriate times, cancer cells ignore these signals. Instead of dying when they should, cancer cells continue to grow and divide, forming masses of tissue known as tumours.

These tumours can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Malignant tumours are particularly dangerous because they have the ability to invade surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body through a process called metastasis, making cancer a potentially life-threatening condition. Cancer is a broad term encompassing over 100 different types that can affect various parts of the body.

Understanding the specific types of cancer, their characteristics, and treatment options is crucial for effective diagnosis and care. Below are detailed explanations of some of the most common types of cancer: Breast cancer is a type of cancer that predominantly affects women b.