Open Access News Health & Social Care Understanding the metabolism of carbohydrates and how it affects your health September 17, 2024 Image: ©alvarez | iStock Carbohydrate metabolism is a complex process that significantly impacts our overall health. Understanding how our bodies handle carbohydrates can help us optimize our well-being. This article delves into the intricacies of carbohydrate metabolism, we’ll explore the concept of insulin resistance, its symptoms, and how to manage it effectively Carbohydrate metabolism is vital for survival.

Carbs are found in sugar, starch and fibre. Sugar and starch are broken down into glucose, which the body needs for energy. Fibre is an indigestible carb which is essential for a healthy gut.

What happens when we consume carbs? In the first ten minutes, and afterwards? What is insulin resistance? How do you know if you have it? What factors affect carbohydrate metabolism? Take a look below and find out. What happens in the first 10 minutes when you eat high carb food? Say you have a piece of white toast with jam which is a high-carb food. They both have a high glycaemic index (GI Index) which means they release energy rapidly after eating.

Digestion starts in the mouth: The first stage of digestion is chewing the food in your mouth and mixing it with saliva which contains the enzyme, amylase, which breaks down carbs into glucose. Some of this glucose is absorbed through the mouth into the bloodstream. Carbs are then further broken do.