Head and neck cancers can be life-threatening, but early detection and treatment can significantly improve outcomes. Being aware of the warning signs, understanding the causes, and recognising the risk factors are key steps in prevention and early intervention. If you experience any persistent symptoms or have significant risk factors, consult a healthcare professional promptly.

Head and neck cancer is a term used to describe a variety of malignant tumours that develop in or around the throat, larynx, nose, sinuses, and mouth. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, making it important to recognise the warning signs, understand the causes, and be aware of the risk factors associated with this type of cancer shared by Dr. Vijay Patil, Director, Sunrise Oncology Centre.

Warning Signs of Head and Neck Cancer Being vigilant about the following symptoms can lead to early diagnosis and better treatment outcomes: 1. Persistent Sore Throat: A sore throat that doesn’t go away, even with antibiotics. 2.

Lumps or Sores: Unusual lumps in the mouth, neck, or throat that do not heal and may bleed. 3. Difficulty Swallowing: Trouble swallowing or a feeling that something is caught in the throat.

4. Hoarseness or Voice Changes: Persistent hoarseness, voice changes, or a chronic cough. 5.

Ear Pain: Unexplained ear pain, particularly if it is in one ear only. 6. Nasal Congestion and Nosebleeds : Persistent nasal congestion and frequent nosebleeds, especially if they are on one si.