Cervix is the lower most part of the uterus and projects into the vaginal cavity. GLOBOCAN 2020 estimates 604000 new cases of cervical cancer with 242000 deaths annually worldwide with the majority (85% and 90% respectively) occurring in low and middle income countries. Regional differences in cervical cancer burden are mainly due to lack of access to vaccination, screening and treatment.

Cervical cancer is the most common cancer of the female reproductive tract in India. 95% of cervical cancer cases happen due to persistent long term infection with human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted virus and this infection is the necessary cause of cervical cancer. Most sexually active women get infected with HPV at some point during their lifetime.

In most cases, the infection clears out on its own by the immune system but in ~ 10% of women, the infection persists. Persistent HPV infection, if left untreated, causes cervical cancer. It takes on an average 15-20 years for abnormal cells to progress through precancerous stages to cervical cancer.

Watch out for these symptoms: Women should consult her doctor and get examined if they notice: unusual bleeding between periods or after menopause or after sexual intercourse; excessive foul smelling vaginal discharge; unexplained pain in the back, legs or pelvic region, vaginal discomfort, loss of weight, fatigue, loss of appetite, swelling in the legs. Lifestyle factors like unsafe sex practices (having more than one partner), pre.