The grassroots pro-Palestine movement behind hundreds of thousands of protest votes in the Democratic primaries against President Joe Biden is now urging Vice President Kamala Harris to come out against sending more weapons to Israel now that she is likely going to take Biden’s spot as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. “For months, we’ve warned that Biden’s support for Israel’s assault on Gaza would hurt his electability,” the Uncommitted National Movement wrote in a statement shortly after Biden dropped out and endorsed Harris on Sunday . “Now, it’s crucial for Vice President Harris to take a clear stance against weapons for Israel’s war and occupation against Palestinians.

” The Uncommitted movement made waves during the Democratic primaries, earning several dozen delegates nationwide after over half a million voters selected “uncommitted” rather than voting for Biden. The movement, first organized in Michigan , was aimed at sending the Biden administration a message that Biden was losing the support of a huge swath of voters due to his unwavering support for Israel as it has slaughtered tens of thousands — if not hundreds of thousands — of Palestinians in Gaza. Now, with Harris taking over Biden’s campaign, some activists say Democrats have a chance at winning back voters who have lost trust in Biden and the Democratic party .

“It’s time to align our actions with our values. Vice President Harris can start the process to earn back trus.