Wednesday, July 17, 2024 The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, in collaboration with the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), and supported by UN Tourism , celebrated the launch of Peru’s Best Tourism Villages initiative. This initiative honored seven exceptional towns for their tourism contributions in 2022 and 2023. During a special ceremony, recognition plaques were awarded to these towns, underscoring their significant roles in promoting Peru as a premier tourist destination.

During the event, recognition plaques were bestowed upon the selected villages, highlighting their pivotal role in Peru’s tourism landscape. This initiative underscores Peru’s commitment to promoting and developing sustainable tourism practices across the country. Key insights from the event’s discussions, themed ‘Promoting Foreign Investment: Launch of the Tourism Doing Business Investment Guidelines-Investing in Peru and General Guidelines for the Development of Public Investment in Tourism,’ include significant milestones in Peru’s tourism sector: Peru has consistently ranked among the top four countries in Latin America and the Caribbean for greenfield foreign direct investment (FDI) projects in tourism from 2018 to 2023.

This underscores the country’s attractiveness to foreign investors seeking opportunities in the vibrant tourism industry. Since 2005, the public sector has allocated approximately USD 621.4 million towards various tourism activi.