As of this week, The Umbrella Academy has finished its four-season run at Netflix. While there is still the possibility that the show could get some spin-offs, the fourth season premiered under the cloud of the accusations that showrunner Steve Blackman created a toxic work environment , including one account that came from Season 4 co-showrunner Jesse McKeown. Now, Blackman is sharing his response to the allegations.

Regarding reports that Blackman made sexist and bullying statements to the people working under him, the showrunner told The Hollywood Reporter that those accounts "simply weren't accurate." He added that, "They weren't correct..

. the truth is, I don't accept those statements because I didn't say them, and it's just disappointing. But I'm very proud of the journey for Umbrella Academy.

I stand by all these people, I've worked very hard with these people, and I have great respect for all of them." Blackman also denied the allegations that he treated anyone unfairly. "Everyone has their own perception, but my perception is I did treat everybody equally," said Blackman.

"I went out of my way to make sure everyone felt heard and respected. A writers room is a tough place and you're not always going to get your version of the thing through or whatever..

. But I do feel that I respected all the writers and I'm proud of what I did on that show and how I treated everybody." As for the future, Blackman shared his initial ideas about what a spin-off might be about.

"It is .