August 21's Ultimate Spider-Man #8 ramps up the drama for Peter Parker with the introduction of the new Ultimate Sinister Six , as well as the first hints at what could be the origins of the new Ultimate Venom. It all starts with none other than Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, who is shaping up to be the new Ultimate Spidey's first true arch-enemy, right down to founding the new Ultimate Sinister Six - which arrives just in time for the 60th anniversary of the debut of the original team. Spoilers ahead for Ultimate Spider-Man #8 Ultimate Spider-Man #8 by writer Jonathan Hickman, artist Marco Checchetto, color artist Matthew Wilson, and letterer Cory Petit opens with Peter Parker heading to a joint birthday party for his children, Richard and May Parker (who share the same birthday month).

But as he's leaving his costume behind - since his family has a rule that he can't bring it to the party - it speaks to him in his own voice. The fact that it speaks in Peter's voice isn't the surprising part. Peter himself programmed its onboard AI to mimic his speech and thought patterns.

It's the fact that it's speaking out loud which surprises Peter, as it tells him to wish his kids a happy birthday. There's an ominous, HAL-9000-esque feeling to the suit's AI, which troubles Peter but also may be hinting that the suit, which is stored in a small black sphere when it's not being worn, could take on a life of its own as a jealous copy of Peter, perhaps leading to a new Ultimate Universe take on .