Achmelvich Bay, on the northwest coast of Scotland, has been described as one of the best beaches in the country with its crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches - and it's not hard to see why Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters There's no need to embark on a 13-hour flight to the Caribbean when you can find similar views right here in the UK. The UK is home to numerous hidden gems, including this stunning, lesser-known beach nestled on Scotland's northwest coast. Achmelvich Bay offers breathtaking views for those exploring the Scottish Highlands and has been hailed as one of Scotland's finest beaches with its crystal clear waters and white sandy shores.

It rivals scenes you'd typically associate with the Caribbean - although, admittedly, the weather might not always match up. However, when the sun shines, Achmelvich Bay becomes a bustling hub for locals who flock to enjoy the beautiful beach, armed with picnics and beach games. The beach is situated near the village of Lochinver in the Scottish Highlands and is a favourite spot for water skiers, according to the official Visit Scotland website.

Tucked away down a challenging single track road, it also boasts many nearby walks and climbs, including the famous Suilven, for those interested in hiking. It's also a popular spot for avid fishe.