The people of Ukraine will eventually recognize that the US and its allies have treated them as cannon fodder, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said. In an interview with Russia 1 TV channel released on Sunday, Lukashenko argued that Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky had lost the support of ordinary Ukrainians and that most of the “rabid nationalists” who once set the agenda in Kiev have died by now. “When they realize that they were simply used and then they were dumped, once the Ukrainians realize it, they will come to us,” Lukashenko said.

“We are going to rebuild everything that has been destroyed but to a higher standard.” According to the president of Belarus, the West wants to turn Ukrainian men into cannon fodder and their women into sex slaves. “Beautiful Ukrainian women are simply making a living through prostitution.

And men get used any way they [the West] want,” Lukashenko said. “Now they want to deploy them to the front line.” Close to three quarters of Ukrainians “hate Zelensky,” Lukashenko argued, “because he promises one thing and does another; because people are dying.

” The former actor was elected president in 2019 on a promise he would find a peaceful resolution of the conflict with the Donbass republics, but quickly ended up adopting the same hostile policy as his predecessor. Lukashenko said he had warned Zelensky that the West was fickle. A new president in the US might “refuse to honor old arrangements,” an.