A UKRAINIAN marine was electrocuted through his genitals by a Russian torturer known as "Dr Evil". Yuri Hulchuk, 23, was brutalised in a hellhole jail and has lost the ability to speak or laugh after the savage treatment during his two-year capture. Footage caught the heartbreaking moment the soldier was reunited this month with his mother Milana Kompaniiets after a prisoner swap.

Yuri can be seen looking sceptically at his mother as she hugs him, almost as if he doesn't recognise her. The very thin Yuri embraces his mother stiffly and he appears to not enjoy the hug and having his head stroked. He does not respond as she tells him: “We love you, we really love you.

.. “Without you, we didn’t have a life.

.. “You are our son, our joy, our pride, our love.

” Yuri was captured on April 12, 2022, as he was defending Mariupol from the Russian attack. During his imprisonment he passed through several Russian prison colonies, Ukrainian media reported. One particularly cruel guard at a colony was known by the PoWs as "Dr Evil".

Milana found that her son was beaten by guards and had a stun gun used on his legs so often by the notrorious torturer he became almost paralysed. The toll on his body was so severe he lost the ability to speak and use his legs. Milana said: “I think [he suffered] a stroke from the beating.

" “My son spoke English, Chinese, and Polish fluently and was very talkative, and after all that, not being able to speak...

” She heard from his cellmates that.