With its castle, medieval tower and river-side beach, the western Ukrainian tourist town of Starokostiantyniv doesn't seem an obvious target for Russian missile and drone strikes. But a major airbase across the Sluch river has put the town firmly in Russia's sights -- and locals fear the imminent arrival of F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine will only intensify the bombardments. "We're super nervous about the arrival of the F-16s.

If they park them here, the number of attacks will only go up," said Olena Shpachenko, a guide at the town's history museum, located inside the 17th-century castle. Kyiv says the advanced US-made fighters, some already being transferred to Ukraine, will help it better protect its skies and compete with Russia for air superiority. Russia has intensified its bombing of Ukrainian air bases -- including Starokostiantyniv, home to the Seventh Tactical Aviation Bridge -- and pledged to target F-16s.

In a show of force earlier this month, Moscow hit three Ukrainian airfields in as many days. "From here we have a good view of the explosions," said Shpachenko, gesturing out of the castle window. "We hear them as if we were right there," she told AFP.

For more than two years, she has watched the enemy's explosive drones and supersonic missiles pepper the sky at night. Pointing to a row of partially damaged ancient religions icons hanging over her desk, she said the air base was "so close, the missiles can make it all the way over here." Ukraine and its Western part.