My name is Onyekachukwu Lawrence. I became a member of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in 2012 and I reside in FESTAC Town and also worships at a branchthere. In 2012, I was in a beer-parlour, when suddenly, l heard a voice that said I should proclaim the word of God.

Though the place was noisy, l understood that the voice l heard was not an ordinary voice and l said,‘father deliver me for l do not belong there (beer-parlour).’ Eventually, l left the beer-parlour and drove out to somewhere in front of Ajao Estate, parked and slept off in my car. There and then, l heard the voice that told me that he would take me to a church where I would serve him in truth and spirit.

Thatsame day, he brought me to this great movement. Already, he had promised to take me to a church where l would serve him in truth and spirit and it coincided with the time the crusade titled,“..

.And The Enemies Submitted..

.”was holding in 2012. I bought a Bible and was ready to serve this God and since then, I have not regretted it.

P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord! Another testimony is that I got married about six years ago and since then, it has been all struggles. It got to a time l applied for residency in theUnited Kingdom (U.K).

After the application, l got a mail acknowledging that they have received my application and instructed that I should not call or disturb them until they call me, I agreed. Few weeks ago, l was in Imo Stateon assignment, and there,l received a call from British .