As the UK braces for another bout of hot sunny weather this weekend, gardeners are being encouraged to leave a bucket of muddy water in their gardens. The larger the container - such as a tub typically used for collecting leaves or hedge trimmings - the better it will be for boosting your garden's appeal to wildlife during the warmer days. This summer, there's a particular focus on helping frogs and toads survive through both hot and wet days.

Frog populations have seen a significant decline due to habitat loss, climate change, and reduced food sources. Attracting more frogs to your garden not only benefits the environment but also aids gardeners by controlling slug and snail populations. The Met Office has forecasted 24-26C sunshine from Friday through Sunday, making it an ideal time to set up a water bucket for amphibians.

READ MORE: Gardeners warned of £5,000 fine for simple mistake The Met Office has forecasted 24-26C sunshine from Friday through Sunday, making it an ideal time to set up a water bucket for amphibians. According to The Wildlife Trust, building a pond is the best way to attract frogs as they provide vital habitats for reproduction and hydration - frogs absorb moisture through their skin rather than drinking through their mouths. "Frogs rely on a network of ponds and other water sources so they can move safely between habitats, so the more ponds in your neighbourhood, the better," reports the Express .

However, if you're short on space or not quite ready to.