Four in ten coffee lovers are so meticulous about their morning caffeine hit that they refuse to drink one made by anyone else, including professional baristas. The statistic came from a study involving 2,000 coffee enthusiasts, revealing the extent of their precise tastes: from the temperature (39%), the type of milk used (33%) and the specific cup it's served in (31%). One in ten openly admitted to their coffee snobbishness with 36% expressing how they fuss over the types of coffee used - from finely ground to instant granules.

Unsurprisingly, 17% even have preferences over the specific bean variety. However, despite this intensity, around 31% believe the coffee culture should lighten up, with 38% desiring to infuse some fun into their daily cuppa ritual. To make their caffeinated drinks more fun, 30% have or would like to add flavoured syrups, with vanilla (26%), chocolate (25%) and salted caramel (23%) being the most popular.

While 26% opt for whipped cream on top a fifth are keen to have their usual coffee order as an iced alternative, according to the data. This research was commissioned by everybody's favourite biscuit brand, OREO, which has roped in the most finicky man around, William Hanson, an etiquette expert, as the Creative Director for its photoshoot celebrating the launch of new limited-edition Vanilla Latte Flavour cookies.

In the shoot's behind-the-scenes content, we see William carefully figuring out the ideal ratio of crumbs, checking the cooki.