On September 18, acclaimed filmmaker and actor Upendra—affectionately known as Uppi—celebrated his birthday. Known for his innovative storytelling and thought-provoking themes, Upendra has once again captured the attention of film enthusiasts with his much-awaited film, UI—a film that marks his return to direction after a hiatus. The action thriller is produced by G Manoharan of Lahari Films and K P Sreekanth’s Venus Entertainers and is looking for an October release.

As the actor continues to push the boundaries of his craft, he shares insights about this project which has fans buzzing with excitement. Speaking candidly about his sporadic directing schedule, Upendra humorously stated, “Many ask me why I don’t direct films more often. I’m ready to marry five or six more times, but direction is far more dangerous.

” He attributes it to the time taken to produce films and the evolving landscape of cinema, which demands adaptation to new technologies and high production values. Upendra, known for crafting films that linger in the minds of viewers, promises that his upcoming film UI will be no different. He states, “This is a film that aims to remove the ‘worms’ from your mind,” using this metaphor to describe the clutter of thoughts that often cloud judgment.

He emphasised that the film is designed to provoke critical thinking, saying, “People often say my films leave them with much to ponder—that’s precisely the intent here.” For Upendra, cinema g.