Summary FAA imposes flight restrictions around US Air Force Plant 42, home to classified aerospace development projects. Reports of UFO sightings prompt concerns over espionage and drone interference in military installations. Drones have become an increasing threat to aviation safety in recent years.

A series of unidentified flying object (UFO) reports around a highly classified US Air Force base in California have coincided with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) imposing temporary flight restrictions in the area. United States Air Force Plant 42 - home to advanced military aerospace development projects - has experienced a surge in suspected drone incursions within the past few months. FAA flight restrictions around Plant 42 Residents of Palmdale, California have reported seeing several unidentified objects in the skies over the past few days, prompting action by the FAA.

However, the larger story is that Plant 42 - an offshoot of Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) housing top-secret defense projects from the likes of Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman - has reportedly seen an uptick in "uncrewed aerial systems" (UAS) activities in recent months. As detailed in a report by The War Zone , Mary Kozaitis, Chief of Media Operations for the 412th Test Wing at Edwards Air Force Base, said the FAA restrictions were put in place "because of the increase in UAS activity." Other US bases have experienced suspected drone activity too, including a notable situation at Langl.