LOS ANGELES -- After producing Hulu's "Sasquatch," executive producer Mark Duplass couldn't help but revisit the world of cryptids, the power of mythology and the allure of the paranormal in the new docu-series "Out There: Crimes of the Paranormal." Across eight in-depth true crime investigations, viewers will take a step into the paranormal world with first-hand accounts about the astounding, supernatural events that changed these individuals' lives forever. On The Red Carpet spoke to Duplass about his inspiration for the series, which came as "Sasquatch" was developed.

"The lore around cryptids is like. 'Oh well, if you believe in this, you must be a crazy person.' But you sit with these people and a lot of them, they feel quite rational, and they're just truthfully telling you their experience.

" "We thought, 'this is really fascinating, like do they believe this because it's true? Do they believe this because there's some sort of trauma? Is somebody weaponizing this against them to try and create some control around them?' And all of those things are true to various and sundry degrees." And with that, Duplass and the "Out There" team set out to investigate fascinating stories that hadn't been covered yet, often highlighting voices that have been overlooked or dismissed. The series documents stories across a wide range of folklore and myths, including "a six-year-old boy in the Smoky Mountains who disappears forever after being snatched by a mysterious ape-like beast, a UFO.