Tuesday, August 20, 2024 This week, the UAE skies will be graced with the rare and captivating sight of a Blue Supermoon. The phenomenon is generating excitement among stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts alike. A Blue Moon occurs when there are two full moons within a single calendar month, and when this coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth, known as perigee, it becomes a Supermoon.

This alignment makes the moon appear larger and brighter than usual, providing a mesmerizing celestial display. For those in the UAE, the Blue Supermoon will be visible for two more nights, offering an extended opportunity to witness this unique event. The moon will appear approximately 14% larger and 30% brighter than a typical full moon.

This is due to the fact that it will be at a distance of about 357,000 kilometers from Earth, significantly closer than its average distance. The best time to view the Supermoon is just after moonrise or before moonset, when it is closest to the horizon, creating an optical illusion that makes it look even more impressive. The Blue Supermoon is not just a visual spectacle but also a rare astronomical occurrence.

The term “Blue Moon” itself is somewhat of a misnomer, as the moon does not actually turn blue. Instead, the name comes from an old English phrase “belewe moon,” meaning “betrayer moon,” signifying the unusual occurrence of a second full moon in a month. The next time a Blue Supermoon will be visible is not until August 2032.