HOLIDAYMAKERS should always take two specific photos ahead of their journeys to avoid costly disasters. Organising a trip abroad can be a stressful experience at the best of times, but would-be flyers who get their affairs in order before the getaway can avoid pitfalls which cost thousands of pounds. One Los Angeles -based traveller, Richard, posted a helpful tip of American travel expert Rick Steves ' forum.

The post, uploaded in 2017, was called 'Take a picture of your passport', with Richard writing: "The title pretty much says it." He added: "Carrying a copy has always been recommended here. "I have a photocopy in my carry on but a photo stored on my phone as well.

Read more Travel "We were shopping and asked for our passport number for the VAT paperwork and I don't carry my passport while out and about. "The store clerk recommended a photo on my phone and I wondered why nobody on the forum ever mentioned it. "You're welcome.

" Many countries in Europe require citizens to carry a valid identity card and present it when requested by authorities. Most read in News Travel If your passport is stolen by pickpockets, you may need to find your way to your nation's embassy. Having an image of your passport may go some way to downgrading what could have been a total disaster to simply a less-than-ideal end to a holiday.

The Sun previously reported on another possible event which could ruin your holiday and leave you thousands out of pocket. Experts earlier suggested that holidaymak.