Most reviews for Adult Disability Payment are conducted between two and 10 years. New statistics from Social Security Scotland show that at the end of April, some 254,365 people were in receipt of Adult Disability Payment (ADP), the devolved benefit that has now replaced all new claims for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) north of the border. Of that total figure, some 100,265 (39%) were new claimants and 154,100 (61%) were existing PIP case transfers from the Department for Work Pensions (DWP).

The updated data also shows that the average time to process a new claim for ADP has fallen from 59 working days in January 2024 to 49 working days (10 weeks) in April. The Scottish Government estimates that ADP will support 612,000 people by 2028/29, providing financial support of almost £4.5 billion.

When a person gets ADP, Social Security Scotland will review whether they should still get it - most reviews are between two and 10 years apart. However, some people may be given an ‘indefinite award’ with no review date. Social Security Scotland reviews take place at a time when a person’s needs are likely to have changed, to ensure that their payment continues to be at the right level.

It’s important to be aware that payments will continue while a review is taking place and they do not need to re-apply during the process. You may be given an indefinite award with no review date for ADP if: Guidance on states: “This means your award will not be reviewed in the .