Topline A building-sized asteroid will zoom by Earth Saturday, while another asteroid twice its size will make an even closer approach Monday, with NASA keeping an eye on the second asteroid due to its size and how close it will be to Earth—though the threat level is low. Planet Earth and big asteroid in the space. Key Facts A 290-foot asteroid is expected to pass by Earth Saturday, coming within 3.

1 million miles of the planet—about 13 times further than the moon— according to NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The asteroid, named 2022 BF2, orbits the Earth about every three years , and its next close approach is predicted to happen on Aug. 8, 2153.

A second asteroid, 2024 JV33, is twice the size of 2022 BF2—coming in at 620 feet—and passes by Earth on Monday, making an even closer approach at 2.85 million miles. This will be 2024 JV33’s first close approach since being discovered in May, though scientists estimate it’s made close approaches since at least 1919, and its next close approach is predicted to happen on Aug.

24, 2026. NASA labels objects larger than 492 feet that come within 4.6 million miles of Earth “potentially hazardous objects,” so scientists are monitoring 2024 JV33 for potential danger even though they don’t expect the asteroid to pose a threat.

What Time Will The Asteroids Pass Earth? 2022 BF2 is expected to pass us around 11:23 p.m. EDT on Saturday.

Asteroid 2024 JV33 is expected to pass by on Monday around 6:07 a.m. EDT.

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