TWISTED Jay Slater sleuths are trying to gain access to the teenager's autopsy results and are interfering with his family getting the body home. The cruel attempt to access the grim information comes as the Slater family were directed against seeing Jay's body in the morgue. Tenerife cops said the teen's body had become "very deteriorated" after it had spent weeks in the ravine where he was eventually found on July 15.

The family is now preparing to make the tragic journey home to the UK with Jay's body. But that hasn't stopped amateur detectives from trying to figure out the details of Jay's body and the condition it was in. "Even now, it appears that amateur sleuths and trolls are trying to intervene in the process of flying his body home.

"Some people are searching online for autopsy results," the BBC reports . Details about the body may come to light regardless as an inquest could be held when the body returns to the UK. If an inquest is opened in the UK it could see witnesses, such as those with him that night, called to give evidence and answer questions.

But with the evidence pointing to an accidental fall, the coroner might certify the cause of death without an inquest. The sleuths attempts to get the information comes after reported seeing the 19-year-old at Sainsbury's, watching a Euros game and on the Eurostar before his body was found last Monday . The family not being able to see the body has left them without a chance to say goodbye properly.

Despite the warnin.