Students of Rampur College in Navua were enlightened on the significance of Technical and Vocational Education Training last month. The teachers organised a TVET and Enterprising Week that allowed students to learn about work-based learning and professional development that can assist the students when they complete their studies in high school. As highlighted by the UNESCO International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, TVET offers practical training that develops the skills and knowledge of apprentices (learners of trades or crafts) working in different sectors of industries.

The theme for this year’s TVET Week was “Empowering Fiji’s Youth for Local and Global Challenges” with the theme colour green that aligns with the greening TVET initiatives. As highlighted by the Ministry of Education circular last month, the purpose of the TVET and Enterprise Week was to advocate for TVET as the master key and to enhance students’ soft skills basically advocating the accomplished skills of TVET subjects’ students via the display of their various models and projects. It also focused on promoting skills development that emphasises enterprise education and empowers students to become job creators rather than job seekers.

The week also promoted TVET in the country in terms of its significance in the world of work and in improving economic growth and sustainability. Schools, according to the Ministry of Education had to organise activities focused on t.