8.25pm, BBC Two The Proms continues to open its doors to leading lights of modern pop, this time inviting Sam Smith to perform orchestral arrangements of highlights from their back catalogue. Alongside conductor Simon Hale and 16-piece choir the LJ Singers, Smith will sing hits including I’m Not the Only One and Stay With Me.

Expect a few judiciously chosen covers too, including Joni Mitchell’s classic Both Sides, Now. Phil Harrison 6.20pm, BBC One Who will win £10,000 by simply identifying songs and artists? Rochelle and Marvin Humes’s slog through musical snippets continues, with highlights coming from an Oasis-loving contestant whose attempt to pay homage to the band left him with a poorly typographed “Live Forever” tattoo.

“I showed my dad. He’s like: ‘Who’s Clive?’” Alexi Duggins 7.30pm, Channel 5 Orange chinos and pastel linen jackets ahoy as Tory traveloguer Michael Portillo spends a weekend in the Portuguese capital.

He enjoys produce from the Campo de Ourique food market, designs a tile at a ceramics factory and, probably not for the first time in his life, takes the helm of a luxury yacht. PH 8pm, Channel 4 The final dispatch from the land of breathtaking scenery, quirky craftsmanship and clouds of midges. We drop in on the Bealach Mor, a cycling event with the biggest climb of any race in the UK, and there’s a look at crowdie cheese, a traditional crofters’ delicacy.

PH 9pm, BBC Three After five weeks of runway glam, lessons in shade and .