Can science unlock the secret to eternal youth? Joanna Wane looks at humanity’s race against time and reveals the final results of her own 12-month challenge to dial back her biological age. Tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson has nocturnal penile erections for an average of three hours every night. He knows that because he sleeps with a tracking device attached to his genitals.

I know that because he posts about it on his website, among a raft of personal data that includes his percentage of liver fat and how much he can bench press (108kg). Apparently, he has the penis power of an 18-year-old boy. Not bad for a man in his mid-40s, although if I were spending US$2 million a year on rejuvenation treatments and necking more than 100 pills every day, I’d expect a few erections, too.

Dubbed the “billionaire biohacker”, Johnson has reduced his biological age by five years since embarking on Project Blueprint in 2021, according to an analysis of epigenetic biomarkers on his DNA. The ultimate goal is to reverse his cellular body clock right back to his teens..