The corruption case against former Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa has been postponed to next month. Kodwa appeared briefly in the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court alongside his former EOH Group senior executive, Jehan MacKay on Tuesday. The former minister and his co-accused are facing schedule 5 offences under the Criminal Procedure Act.

The pair, who are out R30 000 bail , were charged with contravention of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act as well as contravention of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act. State witnesses list During the short proceedings, Kodwa’s legal representative, Advocate Zola Majavu, confirmed that the defence received the list of witnesses who will testify in the trial from the state. The presiding officer postponed the matter to 21 August for further consultations and instructions.

“Both your bail is extended, same conditions apply as before. ALSO READ: ‘Close friend’ admits to giving Zizi Kodwa money, but denies corruption “From the submissions made, the list of six names of state witnesses will then bring the bail condition of no contact in operation. Please refrain from making contact with those witnesses.

“If for whatever reason they come across your path, please avoid them or turn around and walk away for the time being under the circumstances,” the the magistrate said to the accused. interlocutory applications Speaking to the media outside the court, National Prosecuting Authority.